Facelift Treatment

Facelift Treatment In Gurgaon

Facelift is prominently known as rhytidectomy, and it is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps you improve the visible signs of ageing in your neck and face area. It is all about lifting and tightening your skin, besides underlying tissues, that help you create a youthful and refreshed appearance. The procedure can help you address many issues like wrinkles, sagging skin, and a loss of muscle tone. Facelift surgery can help you improve your confidence level and overall life quality.

Facelift Treatment In Gurgaon

Need for facelift treatment

The primary cause of ageing signs on your face is the natural process leading to the loss of skin elasticity.

  • As you start ageing, your skin produces minimum collagen and elastin, leading to the sagging of the skin and the formation of wrinkles, lines, and folds.

  • Other factors include sun damage, pollution, genetics, and lifestyle choices like stress and poor nutrition.
  • These factors can accelerate your ageing process and make all these signs prominent.

Types of Facelift Treatment

Surgical Facelift Treatments

  • A typical facelift Involves making incisions around your hairline behind yourself, sometimes under the chain, to access the underlying tissues. The skin is pulled back, excess tissue is removed, and the remaining skin is closed in the given place.
  • You can also go for a mini facelift as it is less invasive than the typical one and involves making minimum incisions around your ears. It is your best bet if you have mild to moderate sagging.
  • There is also an option to go for a mid-facelift, as it targets your middle face, the cheeks, and under your eyes. It includes making incisions in the hairline and mouth to access your underlying tissues and muscles.

Surgical treatments will vary on the volume of saggy skin

Non-Surgical Facelift Treatments

  • Fillers
  • Anti-wrinkle Injections
  • Laser resurfacing
  • Thread Lift
  • Radio Frequency
  • Chemical Peel
  • Fat Melting
Facelift Treatment In Gurgaon

Pre-treatment process

  • Consult your doctor to discuss your goals & expectations. He will evaluate the skin quality, elasticity, and Medical conditions & physical health. Take photographs to plan the surgery. Prescribe some medications
  • Avoid smoking and sun exposure.
  • Local Anesthesia based on the treatments to be provided
  • Making incisions in discrete locations like the hairline or behind your ear. The length and the location depend on the extent of the procedure and the specific technique to be used.
  • The surgeon will retrace your skin over the face and neck while removing the excess skin, and the incision will be then closed with staples.

Ideal candidate for Facelift Treatment

You can be the ideal candidate for a facelift procedure if you have good overall health and realistic expectations about the procedure's outcome. You can also be a good candidate if you're experiencing signs of ageing on your face, like sagging skin, deep creases, and loss of volume. Age is not the only factor determining whether you want a good candidate, and you should connect with a healthcare provider and check whether you are a good candidate.

Post-treatment Preparation

After a facelift procedure, the recovery term is essential to the overall results of your treatment.

  • You must rest for around one week after the surgery to avoid complications.
  • Your expert might schedule follow-up appointments to check your progress and remove the drains or the stitches.
  • Smoking can delay healing, so you should avoid smoking after your face rip procedure.
  • Direct sunlight can cause damage to your skin and affect your healing process, so you should avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen if necessary.
  • You should always eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated to speed up your healing process and promote wellness.

Benefits of the Treatment

  • Facelift surgery can restore a more defined and youthful facial contour by removing excess skin and tightening the underlying tissues.
  • Help you restore a more defined and youthful facial contour by removing excessive skin.
  • The results of a facelift can last several years as it provides a long-term solution for your facial ageing.
  • Facelift surgery can improve the texture of your skin by promoting collagen production that helps you get a more youthful look.

Risks associated with the Facelift Treatment

  • Excessive bleeding during or after the surgery is one of the most common risks.
  • Infection is also possible with facelift surgery.
  • Blood clothing beneath your skin might happen and lead to swelling or discolouration due to a facelift.
  • Nerve damage might cause numbness or muscle weakness.
  • Scars might be Noticeable and take a lot of time to fade On your skin.
  • Despite perfect efforts, you will not achieve the desired results that you would want.
  • Hairline changes and hair loss around your incisions are possible.
  • General anaesthesia would pose a risk to your heart And lungs.
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Recovery time

the recovery time for a facelift treatment will depend on the extent of the surgery you have performed, and it varies from one patient to another. You can experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort for one week. You need to wear comfortable garments so that your healing process is not affected. You should rest for a few days and avoid exercising.


The cost of your facelift treatment depends on the clinic you choose, but generally, you must spend between 75,000 to 2,50,000. But to move more about the cost, you need to connect with the surgeon to determine your needed treatment.

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