Nail Treatment & Surgeries

Nail Treatment In Gurgaon

Are you looking for Nail Treatment in Gurgaon or Nail Surgeries in Gurgaon. SquareRoot is the best cosmetic skin treatment clinic/ center in Gurgaon which offers best nail care treatment at affordable rate.

The types of nail conditions and the causes:

Nail Treatment & Surgeries In Gurgaon

White Spots

Most frequently caused by mild trauma, when the base (matrix) of the nail is injured such white spots are very common, ultimately grow out, and are no cause for unease. Sudden advent of numerous white spots also can specify an infection or other medical condition.

Ingrown Toenail

This conjoint nail disorder befalls when the corner of the nail curves downward into the skin. Incorrect nail trimming, tight shoes, or a poor stance can lead to this problem. Ingrown nails may be excruciating and sometimes lead to infection.

Fungal infections of the nail can lead to discoloration and atypical growth

Fungal Infections (Onychomycosis)

More frequent on the toenails. It inclines to run in families because of an inherited tendency, but not everyone is persuaded. The two most communal types of fungi affecting the skin are dermatophytes and yeast (Candida). Oral and topical medicines such as itraconazole, terbinafine, and fluconazole are actual.

Bacterial Infections

Redness, swelling, and pain of the skin folds around the nails habitually specify an infection caused by bacteria. Frequent disclosure to water and chemicals is a collective cause of these bacterial infections.

Tumors and Warts

Warts are epidemiologic infections that disturb the skin surrounding or underneath the nail. They can be painful and sometimes bound use of the affected finger or toe.

Mucinous Cysts

Seeming as clear, jelly-filled papules at the base of the nail, these cysts can become painful and may hurt or deform the nail. Treatment comprises removing the cyst.

Dark Spots or Streaks

If a dark spot or streak appears on any nail, and is not the result of an injury, it must be scrutinized by us. This could be melanoma, the most lethal form of skin cancer.

Psoriatic Nails

80% of people who agonize from psoriatic arthritis have nail problems, specially with their fingernails. The most mutual signs include pitting, rippling, splitting and discoloration of the nail. Swelling and redness of the skin surrounding the base of the nail also are conjoint.

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Some Common Myths

What would be the approximate cost for this treatment or surgery?

The cost will vary depending upon the way of treatment chosen. Surgical removal or erasure will cost more equated to tropical treatment. A single consultation with Dr. PREETI GUPTA is chargeable at INR 1000/-.

Ingrown toenails are characterized by growth of edges or corners of nail into the skin next to the nail. It commonly affects the big toe. Patient develops pain and swelling of skin next to nail. If it is infected, then person notice oozing pus, bleeding and overgrowth of skin around the toe usually.

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Cutting toenails incorrectly.
  • Irregular, curved toenails.
  • Wearing improper footwear such as narrow and tight shoes or sandals.
  • Any toenail injury.
  • Improper foot hygiene.
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